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The Page County Sheriff’s Office provides inmates within the community to assist:

  • Non-Profits/Churches/ Community Organizations
  • Towns/County Government

The following Agencies and Organizations that participate in this program are: 

  • Page County Landfill
  • Page County Animal Shelter
  • Town of Luray
  • Town of Stanley
  • Town of Shenandoah
  • Page One
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Page County Fair Association
  • Center for Performing Arts of Luray
  • American Legion
  • United Way
  • Page County Chamber of Commerce
  • Living Legacy
  • Back to School Bash
  • Other Non-Profit As Requested


Sheriff Cubbage is a firm believer that persons placed in a jail or penitentiary can serve constructive purposes that benefit society while carrying out their sentence.  For that reason he has increased the level of community work performed through this program.  Only inmates who have non-violent convictions, and who are not considered to be a threat to the community, are allowed to participate in this program.  Under close supervision they can provide a benefit to the community while paying their debt to society.  Sheriff Cubbage also feels this program serves as a deterrent for our young people.  Allowing inmates to perform various manual tasks in the community provides a powerful message to others about what happens when crimes are committed.  Inmates who have participated in the Work Detail Program during FY 18/19 have performed 36,431 hours of free service to our county, community, and non-profit organizations.  This has resulted in a savings of $364,310 for county residents and has allowed for the hiring of local residents to perform tasks outside of the work done by the inmate work detail crew.


Since taking office in 2016, Sheriff Cubbage has implemented the first successful Work Release Program by working closely with the Page County Courts, the Page County Commonwealth’s Attorney, and local employers.

Non-violent inmates who are not considered to be a threat to the community are allowed to participate in this program.  Inmates who have been sentenced to no more than two years or who have less than two years to serve and who have no pending charges in any court in any jurisdiction may petition for work release.

An inmate must complete a work release application which will be approved or rejected by the Jail Administrator.  Even if approved for work release by the Jail Administrator an inmate can be denied by the sentencing court or by the Virginia Department of Corrections.  Work release applicants who have been convicted of certain crimes are not eligible for work release.  Each work release application is therefore reviewed on a case by case basis.

Amounts are deducted from an inmate’s paycheck to pay the following:

  • Room and Board
  • Child Support
  • Court Fees
  • Medical (Inmates who participate in the work release program are required to pay 100% of their medical bill(s).

Since Sheriff Cubbage has taken office in 2016 the following amounts have been paid through this program:

  • Room and Board: $145,132.54 (January 1st, 2016 through June 30th, 2020).  This money is placed back into the General Fund.
  • Child Support Obligations: $31,611.41 (January 1st, 2016 through June 30th, 2020).
  • Court Costs and Fines: $33,657.26 (January 1st, 2016 through June 30th, 2020).

Employers may contact the Jail Administrator for additional information regarding this program.