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Corporal Josh McKenzie
Crime Prevention/School Resource Division
(540) 244-8414 ext 3399
(540) 743-1252 (fax)

The Page County Sheriff’s Office provides nine SROs stationed at the following schools:

  • Luray Elementary, Middle and High Schools
  • Page Middle and High Schools
  • Page Tech Center
  • Springfield Elementary
  • Shenandoah Elementary
  • Stanley Elementary School (covered by SPD)

One of the biggest misconceptions of school resource officers is they exist for safety purposes only. With the increase in school violence in recent years, there is no question that safety concerns have contributed to the rise in the number of resource officers. However, a school resource officer’s job is much more multi-faceted than that. A school resource officer’s duties include, but are not limited to:

  • To provide a positive role model for youth
  • To foster positive relationships between our youth and law enforcement
  • To work with school administration in addressing problems that students of today face
  • To provide creative solutions in connecting with today’s youth
  • To serve as a resource to school administration officials
  • To serve as a liaison between the Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Page County
  • To provide information and presentations to students regarding a wide-range of topics that directly effect their health and well-being
  • To be willing to perform any task that will benefit young people and create a better learning environment in our schools