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The top photos are Sheriff Edward M. “Pap” Sedwick on the left and Chief Deputy, Captain Philip Mims.


The group photo is as follows, Front Row: Sgt. Keith Jenkins, CO; Mary Boyle, Secretary; Capt. Charles Robbins, Chief Jailor; Sheriff Edward M. Sedwick; Capt. Philip Mims, Chief Deputy; Bob F. Daugherty, DS; Second Row: Christi Bosley, Disp;Joyce Wood, Disp; W. C. Maddox, CO; Jerry W. Baker, DS; Sgt. John M. Atwood, DS; Sgt. Michael w. Stanley, Inv; Lt. L. J. Jenkins, Chief Inv; Third Row: Mary Ann Arrington, Disp; Rita Hawkins, Disp; Bevery Breeden, CO; Lt. T. Nelson, Powell, DS; Fourth Row: James Moomaw, CO; Sgt. Thomas Rothgeb, CO; Richard Pullen, CO; Ron Frady, DS; O. R. “Ricky” Lam, CS; C. N. Cavey, DS; Issac Good, DS.  Missing: Sgt. Mary Johnson, Disp; Claudine, Majors, Cook; S. Marie Pence, Disp; Norris Richards, DS; and Anthony Thurston, CO.